Saturday, September 1, 2007

safe and sound in China

Well, I'm here! And exhausted. It was a long journey and today was a crazy day full of acquiring every kind of card possible (bank, phone, bus, and campus center -- plus my apartment key is a card too, since I live in a hotel), getting our medical exams, going to a little photographer's shop to get ID photos taken, getting our textbooks, eating lunch at a hotpot restaurant with the whole English department, and various other little errands. I took a 3-hour nap earlier, only waking up because of the FIREWORKS outside. Haven't figured out yet why there were fireworks, but if they happen again it will require further investigation.

In any case, I'll write a real entry when I'm more awake, but I wanted the world to know that I'm still alive. Hope you're all well.

1 comment:

RLR said...

Just be yourself and enjoy your students. You will be a spectacular teacher. It's mostly all on-the-job training anyway and the bonus is you will learn as much or more than you teach.