Friday, September 14, 2007

smashing things must be fun

Last night the mosquitoes didn't bother me (thank you electric mosquito incense thinger!), but instead I was kept from falling asleep by the demolition crew across the street who decided that 1 am was a really good time to begin smashing things. Really loud smashing too. But it's ok -- I used my laptop ro record the smashing sound that was keeping me awake, so maybe I can figure out how to post that on my blog someday, or maybe I will just incorporate it into some strange laptop music somewhere down the road. Alternatively, I will submit it to Learning To Love You More, as I think it is one of their projects anyways.

Speaking of Miranda July and not getting much sleep last night, I just woke up from a really strange long-afternoon-nap dream where I was Miranda July's assistant. Also in this dream I somehow had a baby who was born as a 3-year-old, even though I gained no weight before having him, and I fell asleep in the English class I was teaching and then I woke up and we all went to a sushi restaurant.

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