Sunday, September 9, 2007

a spam haiku for my father

It has been a very busy and eventful week, and I have a lot of stories to tell, but they will have to wait for a day when I have internet access in my apartment again and do not have so much lesson planning to do.

In the meantime, I present to you a brief haiku written for my dad, who enjoys spam haikus and had been asking me recently whether or not we have spam in China:

we do not have SPAM
we only have LUNCHEON MEAT
but it looks gross too

(For the record, Kitty and I think that there actually was spam [or something like it] in one of the dishes we were served last night at a restaurant whose name translates to Real Love.)

I encourage comments to this post in haiku, whether or not they are spam-related.


cchiu said...


很多中国人喜欢吃 spam. Hawaiian food uses it too. It was a popular gift item in China years ago. I remember bringing cans of it back to Taiwan. There is a Spam museum in Austin MN. I heard it is a good museum. A distant relative of my husband invented it. That is a family legend.

mlb said...

thanks for the photo
glad to see you're eating well
cold, pink protein blob

mlb said...

Spam imitators
pack jellied pig parts in cans
sincere flattery

Sarah said...

you two are dorky
writing haikus about spam
but i still love you

Shelby said...

you say we're dorky?
it runs in the family
oh wait -- that means you

mlb said...

Just saw in the news today that there is now a single serving size package of Spam!

cchiu said...

Here is a good one from the Internet:

Old man seeks doctor
"I eat Spam daily", he says.